Profil Penggunaan Obat dalam Swamedikasi pada Ibu-Ibu PKK di Kecamatan Garut Kota


  • Genialita Fadhilla Universitas Garut
  • Siva Hamdani
Keywords: Obat, PKK, Swamedikasi


Self-medication is an independent treatment that carried out to deal with minor complaints by only using over-the-counter drugs that are limited. Self-medication is commonly used by the mothers to treat their families when they suffering from pain. If self-medication done properly, it can be a big contribution to the government, especially to maintaining national health. However, self-medication will be at risk if the treatment is done incorrectly. The study was conducted using a descriptive observational study method by giving a posttest questionnaire and pretest to assess medicine use and habits in self-medication to 50 PKK mothers in Garut sub-district, Garut Regency. The results of the study showed that the highest number of self-medication was fever and ulcer (26%), the type of drug that they used was modern medicine (70%), the choice of drugs used were antipyretic analgesic drugs (44%). Wilcoxon test indicates that there is a significant influence after giving counseling to the choice of habitual answers in self-medication for respondent (p<0.05).


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How to Cite
Fadhilla, G., & Hamdani, S. (2021). Profil Penggunaan Obat dalam Swamedikasi pada Ibu-Ibu PKK di Kecamatan Garut Kota. Jurnal Medika Cendikia, 8(2), 39-49.