Literature Study on the Link Between Cigarette Consumption and Reducing Early Mortality Rates Due to Non-Communicable Diseases in Indonesia
One of the main risk factors that cause chronic disease and has an impact on death is smoking. As many as 4,000 very dangerous chemicals are contained in the smoke produced from one cigarette. The number of deaths from diseases caused by smoking habits reached 300,000 per year in Indonesia in 2019. In fact, Indonesia is the third largest cigarette consumption country in the world, where the number of cigarette consumption soared to 322 billion cigarettes in 2020. The increasing number of cigarette consumption is feared to hamper the achievement of the target 3.4 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Point 3.4 has targets to reduce by up to one third the number of premature deaths from non-communicable diseases, through prevention and treatment, and to improve mental health and well-being by 2030. This study is aimed to determine the relationship between cigarette consumption and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at point 3.4 in Indonesia. The literature review method was carried out on six articles obtained from two databases, namely Google Scholar and PubMed. Based on the results of the article review, it could be concluded that the increase in cigarette consumption can hinder the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 3, especially target 3.4. Therefore, the government and the public are expected to participate in reducing the number of cigarette consumption in Indonesia in order to create a healthy society and improve the welfare of the entire population of Indonesia.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Adjrina Dawina Putri, Kania Rizqita Dewi, Khoirunnisa Ghefira Yusrani, Marina Ery Setiyawati

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