Hubungan antara OMSK dengan Gangguan Pendengaran di Poliklinik THT RSUD dr. Slamet Garut
The occurrence of CSOM almost always begins with recurrent otitis media in children, rarely starting after adulthood. Infection factors usually originate from the nasopharynx, reaching the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. Hearing loss depends on the degree of damage to the hearing bones. Conductive deafness is usually found but can also be mixed. The prevalence of CSOM in general is 3.8%. Besides that CSOM patients constitute 25% of patients treated at the hospital ENT polyclinic in Indonesia. The low incidence of CSOM, in developed countries, is found in periodic examinations, in school children conducted by the School Health Service in the United Kingdom by 0.9%, but the high prevalence of CSOM is still found in certain races in developed countries, such as Native American Apache 8.2%, Canadian Indians 6%, and Australian Aborigines 25%. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the type of CSOM and hearing loss in the Polytechnic Clinic of RSU Dr. Slamet Garut. The research design used was analytic correlation with cross sectional approach with a population of all patients who visited the ENT poly with a sample of 46 respondents. The results showed that there was a strong relationship between CSOs and hearing loss with statistical test scores obtained at 5.6, which means that the calculated value is greater than the table value (3.841) using an alpha value of 0.05. Recommendations that can be given that people with CSOM accompanied by complaints of hearing loss should immediately examine their condition to the doctor to get further treatment, given complaints of hearing loss shows a danger sign caused by the spread of infection to the ear in the night.
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